PCA workshops combine the latest in sports and educational psychology and organizational behavior with practical advice from a National Advisory Board of top pro and college athletes and coaches who use our principles at the highest levels of competition. The workshops are all highly interactive and facilitated by PCA Trainers with deep experience in coaching, sports parenting, athletic administration, or all three!
Since the beginning of the global pandemic, PCA has pivoted to host nearly 1,000 interactive Zoom workshops for coaches, parents, athletes, and leaders.
Each Live workshop (Zoom or in-person) will be facilitated by certified PCA Trainers. Our interactive workshops range from 30-120 minutes each. Participants receive tangible and practical tools while involving everyone in the process of learning together.
PCA currently conducts the following interactive workshops which you can also click on below for more detail...
In the last 22 years, thousands of organizations have partnered with PCA to have access to our live workshops, online courses, books, and access to the PCA Partner website and ongoing follow-up communications.
A PCA partnership is the only way to access our live workshops (either in person or on zoom).