As a catalyst for a positive youth sports culture, Positive Coaching Alliance provides research-based training and resources for coaches, parents, athletes, and leaders to ensure a positive youth development experience for ALL kids, in all communities across the U.S., through sports.
PCA ensures sports are ‘done right’ with programming that is research-based and designed to have impact at three levels in a youth sports organization or school:
YOUTH experience improved life skills and character development.
COACHES become more positive and increase their focus on using sports to teach life lessons.
YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS AND SCHOOLS see their cultures become more positive and everyone involved has more fun.
The tools taught in PCA courses are researched-based behavioral concepts that apply to many contexts. Anyone who participates in PCA programming - whether it be in youth sports, on business teams, or in personal relationships - can benefit, and expect to see improved ability to work as part of a team, greater personal resilience, and an increased capacity to bounce back from mistakes.
PCA offers Partnerships that include live workshops for school districts, conferences, park-and-recreation organizations, leagues, and youth sports consortiums in all 50 states and several other nations.
Each Live workshop (Zoom or in-person) will be facilitated by a certified PCA Trainer. Our interactive workshops range from 30-120 minutes each. Participants receive tangible and practical tools while involving everyone in the process of learning together.
PCA also offers six online courses - all expert-developed and designed to help coaches, parents, athletes and officials ensure that winning happens both on and off the field in youth sports. Whether you simply want to improve your youth sports experience, or whether your school/organization has directed you to these courses, they will benefit you and the youth you serve!
The result of either live or online experiences is that the group of leaders, coaches, parents or athletes begins to explore different approaches for success and establishes a common vocabulary for use in providing athletes a positive, character-building youth sports environment.
Often, workshop attendees are "unfrozen" from negative beliefs and practices they had accepted throughout their sporting lives and experience an emotional awakening that benefits them, their families, communities and most importantly, the youth athletes they serve.