As a force in character development through sports, Positive Coaching Alliance launched the Sports Can Battle Racism programming to go beyond condemnation and develop solutions that work to battle racism within the environment of sports. PCA strives to be a driving force in this effort by partnering with coaches and leaders across the country, providing them with the tools needed to foster a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  In this 90 minute, research-based workshop experience, your coaches will have an interactive discussion on how to combat racial discrimination, champion moral courage and empower their programs to create positive change in their communities. We will explore historical displays of leadership, like that of Jackie Robinson, to create a more equitable environment in youth sports.

PCA defines culture as “the way we do things here.” This workshop explores ways to create an inclusive environment through defining the “we” and provides historical context to how sports has been used to battle racism. This workshop includes the following learning objectives:

  • Curiosity & Honesty: Increase consciousness of marginalized perspectives. This section starts with courage and vulnerability as we create a space to discuss personal stories, learn the perspective of others, and ultimately define what it means to create a caring climate on your team where all players feel like they belong. 
  • Education: Understand the history of sports being used as a tool to battle discrimination. This section covers examples in sports history where activism led to positive change, and how to apply the lessons learned from the past to improve and advance equity in sports.
  • Commitment: Explore ways to take action against racism and create change within your community and on the teams you coach. Coaches will practice real life scenarios and learn to apply tangible tools like Planning a Neutralizing Routine, Calling In vs. Calling Out, and Racism Interrupters in order to lead by example and take action. 

Certified PCA Trainers and one PCA Producer will lead attendees through activities, breakout rooms, videos and powerful conversations in order to increase participants’ knowledge about racism and the role sports can play in combating racism. Participants will walk away with a follow up document that includes specific tools for developing a caring climate, stretching moral courage, and action steps to do more in their programs to combat racism.

For more information, please watch this short 4 minute video or visit