Jeaney Garcia
Director of Athletics, Bosque School (NM)
Jeaney Garcia is a longtime PCA "Lifer" having worked in several roles such as the Director of Impact for PCA-Los Angeles and as the Executive Director for PCA-Hawaii. Her professional career has spanned years as an Athletic Director, coach, teacher, official, and speaker. She has been presenting motivational workshops worldwide primarily on effective performance working for PCA as a Mentor Trainer since 1998. She is currently the Athletic Director at the Bosque School in Albuquerque, NM.
She has been honored as "Coach of the Year" for numerous schools and organizations, including Sport for Understanding (SFU) based in Washington, D.C., where she was the National SFU coach for cross-country, basketball, and track and field. She led the National SFU teams to seven successful tours in the countries of Australia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and New Zealand.
Jeaney’s love of sport is self-evident. She has competed as an athlete in several sports and at all levels and is currently a Selkirk sponsored senior pickleball competitor where she is the 5X Senior World Games Champion.
Jeaney’s educational background includes a B.S. in Exercise Science and Nutrition; M.S. in Kinesiology, MAA in Athletic Administration, and is a Certified Master Athletic Administrator (CMAA).