Jeremaine Johnson
Player Skill Development Coach, GRID IRON Youth Sports Training
Trainers - Texas
Jeremaine is a native of the Houston area and serves as an assistant football/basketball coach for the Woodlands Christian Academy. With 15 years of coaching experience, Jeremaine has coached at a variety of sports and levels from high school to youth. He also owns/operates GRID IRON Youth Sports Training, a football/basketball skill development training program. Jeremaine serves as president of North County Football League, where he coaches youth players ages 5-12 years old and mentors coaches in best practices as a coach.
Jeremaine has a strong desire/passion to pass on the valuable life lessons he has learned as a former player, coach, mentor and sports parent. He is passionate about helping athletes develop into strong, respectful, responsible young men and women. Jeremaine takes his roles as a coach, mentor, and role model very seriously and brings a great deal of passion and enthusiasm to his craft.
Jeremaine has been with Positive Coaching Alliance since January 2014 and has conducted more than 60+ workshops, working with coaches, players, parents, and leadership groups.