Paul Larson
Veteran Coach and Association Leader
Arizona, Trainers
Paul has been described by peers as a caring organizational leader, dynamic coach, presenter and optimist. Fostering his athletic ability playing 4 sports through high school, Paul landed at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN) to experience a great education, play baseball and begin his coaching career as a graduate assistant baseball coach. Paul brings a wealth of experience to PCA as a veteran coach of boys and girls, youth, high school and college, beginner-to-elite athletes for 28 years. As a testament to his coaching versatility, Paul was recognized by Minnesota Hockey as a “3M - Coach of Excellence” award winner and by the Minnesota Twins Community Fund as the inaugural “Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Coach of the Year.” As a leader in Minneapolis Hockey (youth association) for 10 years, Paul implemented the philosophies of PCA to change the culture and build Minneapolis Hockey from 400 participants to over 800 participants. He is a true believer in the power of Positive Coaching Alliance and began as a PCA trainer in 2014. Paul and his family now live in Mesa, Arizona.