Carrie Zarraonandia
Former National Champion Tennis Coach
Trainers - SF Bay Area
Sports: Football, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis
Carrie Zarraonandia grew up in Southern California playing pick up games of baseball, football, basketball and tag at her local park. At nine years old she found her passion, tennis. Carrie competed in the junior ranks and while attending the University of California at Davis helped her team win the D3 National title and was an All-American. She holds 7 U.S.T.A. national titles as well as the # 1 US. ranking in the 35’s age group. She has been honored by PCA as a S.F. Bay Area Double-Goal Coach Winner and National Finalist. With over 35 years of service to the United States Professional Tennis Association as a Pro Elite and is the Regional Vice President of the NorCal Board. She is a "veteran" sports mom and taught three out of her five children to play tennis and enjoy the sport. Her passion for sports, competition and fair play has drawn her to the Positive Coaching Alliance. Carrie currently coaches at The Claremont Club and Spa in Berkeley, Ca.