Success stories
Who’s Having Fun? Coaches and Kids
With gloves and bats in hand, baseball and softball coaches took to the field in Needham, Massachusetts to learn how to incorporate PCA principles, and fun, into their practices and games. This practical, interactive “Culture, Practices and Games” workshop was made possible through the support of the Red Sox Foundation. PCA and the Red Sox Foundation are committed to helping all kids play for the love of the game.
"Running a fun, effective practice is one of the biggest responsibilities we have as coaches, it comes right after keeping kids safe" said PCA Trainer Chris Fay who led the workshop. "The thought of organizing and coaching a dozen kids who are 7 and 8, 9 and 10, or even 11 and 12 makes many people reluctant to volunteer. PCA is here to offer the training and support volunteer coaches need to experience the joy of teaching kids to love the game."
Eight leagues were represented on the field, and feedback was positive. "I took a lot away from the seminar and will certainly bring the drills back to my practices in Charlestown this year," said Steven VanDyke. "It certainly beats any YouTube video out there," said Ryan Potter of Cumberland, Rhode Island. "I liked being able to actually do the drill as opposed to watching something online. I am far more likely to remember it and bring it back to my team."
And, Coach Emily from Sharon Little League, had this to say:
"As a softball player and a mom I knew I wanted to coach my daughter when she started playing. But being a good player and being a good coach require completely different skills. I have spent a lot of time online looking up drills and practice plans but they are only instructions. Chris' PCA training changed the way I will coach from now on. He discussed how to keep players engaged, how to create mentally strong and resilient kids, and how to skill build. He showed us how to run an efficient and effective practice including drills that are easy to execute and impactful. He addressed coaching challenges on the individual and team levels.
I learned a lot. In 90 minutes I definitely became a better coach. Thanks Chris!"
The Red Sox Foundation approved too. “PCA provided another amazing workshop! It was great to be out on the field working through similar challenges with coaches from a number of different leagues, while learning how to effectively lead a practice to keep all youth engaged. We were all able to learn tips and drills that can immediately make an impact,” said Mick Blume of the Red Sox Foundation.
“Coaches are asked to do a lot when they volunteer, and here at PCA we are passionate about supporting coaches by sharing the tools it takes to run a positive, effective practice and help players achieve success on game day. Positivity fuels performance, and makes it fun for everyone” said Emily Archibald, PCA’s Sr. Partnership Manager, Northeast.
PCA’s “Practices. Cultures, and Games” workshop covers:
• Elements of an effective practice
• How to develop a practice plan
• Ways of teaching the mental side of the game during practice
• Drills to promote proper throwing, fielding and hitting movements
• Communication strategies for motivating players
• Creating a culture that makes practices, fun, competitive, relevant and challenging
To learn more, or to bring this workshop to your program or league, contact Emily Archibald at